

How did you find pilates? 

Pilates found me by accident. I moved into a new apartment years ago that just so happened to be next to a Pilates Studio. I was looking for a form of fitness I could learn to do at home, without having to use equipment. I gave it a try and got hooked very quickly and soon loved to use the equipment as well.

Why do you love Pilates?

To me it is more than fitness. I rarely think of it as fitness or working out. I enjoy movement, the body awareness, the mindfulness of it. Pilates is poetry in motion. Meditation with Movement. 

How did you become an instructor?

After having a serious back injury, with daily practice, I came back 100% from a ruptured disc in my lower back. After living with many years of serious pain, my instructors had eliminated all discomfort within months by using the Pilates Method. I immediately signed up for teacher training through BASI Pilates. 

What makes your class/style special? 

A creative flow while still maintaining a high level of precision. A class that is mindful yet having a presence  of physical intensity.

How long have you been doing pilates & teaching? 

I have been teaching since November 2013. I started Pilates myself in February the same year.

Would you consider your approach more fitness or technical?

I definitely lean toward the technical side rather than the fitness side. After learning the precision of the movements, fitness will inevitably come after, with regular practice.